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Brandywine Mitigation Bank

The Brandywine Mitigation Bank is located in Chadds Ford Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, on property owned by North American Land Trust (NALT). The Bank is located on an approximately 78-acre parcel encompassing a large portion of the historic Brandywine Battlefield. The American Battlefield Trust identified the property as one of the most important tracts on the Brandywine Battlefield because of its role during the Battle of the Brandywine. The bank will provide compensatory stream and wetland mitigation for unavoidable impacts to Waters of the United States (WOTUS) and Waters of the State (WOS). Restoration and enhancement of the site will reduce bank erosion and sediment reduction, re-establish floodplain connectivity, provide increased flood capacity and storage, increase vegetative diversity, and reduce invasive species, thereby creating a self-sustaining and functional stream, wetland, and riparian ecosystem. This work will aid in preserving the historic site in its natural condition.

Contact Information

Jaime Zsiros, Director of Business Development




Solution Type

Mitigation Bank

USACE District


Primary Service Area

PA State Waterplan Subbasin 3S

Secondary Service Area

Case-by-Case Basis